Blueberries Medical Corp. has entered into a binding agreement effective March 25, 2019 to acquire cannabis cultivation, processing, manufacturing, export and other rights in Argentina from BBV Labs Inc. Pursuant to a definitive agreement with the Argentinian state-owned company Cannabis Avatara, S.E., BBV Labs has entered into a joint venture with Cannava to develop and cultivate cannabis on a 3.2 million square foot (74 acres or 30 hectares) prime agricultural property.
The company points out that "Cannava will contribute the land to the Joint Venture as well as all required permits and authorizations necessary to import seeds, cultivate, grow and harvest cannabis, process cannabis and extract cannabis oil and other derivative products for scientific, medicinal and therapeutic purposes and to export cannabis and derivative products and import and export related equipment and products."
"The 3.2 million square foot site is located on the El Pongo agricultural property in the province of Jujuy. The area is located in an ideal, temperate climate that permits year-round cultivation and has a skilled and efficient agricultural labor force. The El Pongo farm is an established agricultural site with an operating history of over 100 years. The property is fed by multiple rivers providing ample access to fresh water for irrigation. The power supply is modern and has capacity to scale as production capacity is increased. An international airport only 8km away is an ideal hub for import and export. The recent authorization of El Pongo as Argentina’s first, and potentially one of the world’s largest cannabis farms is expected to pave the way for a new industry in Argentina", the company concludes.
For more information:
Blueberries Medical Crop.
Calle 93 # 15 - 51 Of. 406
Bogotá, Colombia
(57) 1 794-1798
[email protected]