Cannabis cultivation certainly is not new to Sonoma County. People have been secretly growing a plant or two for years in basements, closets and sheds.
Small boutique gardens, where locals grew a few plants of award-winning cannabis were once whispered about. Now, with cannabis laws changing on local, county and state levels, it’s easy to become confused about what is allowed and what is not.
Alex Traverso, Chief of Communications at the California Bureau of Cannabis Control said Proposition 64, which voters approved in 2016, allows for personal use and cultivation of some cannabis.
“People can grow six plants in the privacy of their own home,” he said. “They must be out of view. They can also make their own products at home, as long as they are only for personal consumption.”
Maggie Fleming, Communications Manager for Sonoma County, said county rules around growing Cannabis for personal use mostly refer back to state law, especially manufacturing of cannabis products. Medical cannabis users have more leeway.