Wild Coast Canna Inc. is re-thinking its plans for a large-scale cannabis facility west of Port Alberni. The company cites proposed changes to the Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District’s cannabis zoning bylaws as the reason why it is now considering a new home for its “cannapark.”
Wild Coast Canna announced last June its plans for a cannapark would have seen a 377,000-square-foot cement based facility dedicated to indoor craft cannabis growing operations, and a further 25 acres of outdoor grow operations built near Port Alberni’s municipal airport. The company had an agreement to purchase the former Pine Dell Farm property situated between Great Central Lake Road and Airport Road, a few kilometres west of the city.
“We’re not pulling out, we’re just examining all the options that we have to push our project forward,” said Brian Harris, CEO of Wild Coast Canna. “The way it’s unfolding with the ACRD it’s obvious the bylaws are going to be changed. That just won’t work for us any longer,” he added.
Read the full article at albernivalleynews.com