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US (NE): Hemp crop destroyed after tests reveal too much THC

One of 10 growers granted hemp licenses this year from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture was forced to shred their crop Nov. 26 because of the too-high THC level it produced. The licensed growers, Justin and Hilari Courtney, are from Richardson County.

The department reported that of the other nine licensees, six completed the harvest, one did not plant a crop this year, one donated the plants to a university to finish the project and one was given an extension to finish up.

The harvest date for the Courtneys' hemp was originally to be Oct. 25, and the department sampled the crop on Oct. 10, Kamm said. But the Courtneys then requested an extension of the harvest date, because they didn't want to harvest with the low level, she said.  

The department agreed, and the new collection of samples was done Nov. 13.The second sampling, Kamm said, showed one sample at 0.496% THC, and the other at 0.38% THC. The legal limit is 0.3% or lower. The department ordered the destruction of the crop and staff was present Nov. 26 when the growers shredded it, Kamm said.


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