The international cannabis scene is many things, but one thing is for sure as the industry heads into 2020 – regulation, inspection, and certification are in the room, and further in a way so far unseen in either Canada or Europe so far.
Why is this trend now clearly on the horizon for the next year, if not a few more beyond that? Part of it has to do with cannabis as an industry and part of it has to do with much larger currents afoot in the form of global trade treaties.
Europe Is More Highly Regulated
For those who have never visited the continent, and in particular for Americans, there are more regulations in the room in Europe compared to other parts of the world. These are designed to protect human health, no matter how frustrating the discussion about CBD and Novel Food is these days.
Further, this is not just a discussion about one certification or regulation, but many. There are several big issues in the room beyond any one certification.