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US (OK): Oklahoma City-based indoor facility gets 22,000 sq.ft. expansion

Stability Cannabis has expanded its indoor cannabis cultivation facility in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

The company’s expansion includes construction of an additional 22,000 square feet of cannabis flowering rooms, employee facilities, packaging facilities and additional state-of-the-art filtration and lighting systems.

Established as one of the largest indoor cannabis cultivators, processing and retail operations in Oklahoma, Stability Cannabis said it will grow to be one of the largest cultivators in North America through the announced expansion.

"The growth of Stability has been remarkable thanks to our statewide network of dispensary partners. The 'phase two' expansion project of our indoor cultivation facility will further develop our cannabis campus in central Oklahoma City, increasing our growing canopy by an additional 22,000 square feet along with addition production and packaging facilities," said chief executive officer Denver Kitch.


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