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US (MA): Energy and water usage report required for renewal of cultivation license

In November 2019, the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) released new regulations dictating that Marijuana Cultivators engaged in indoor cultivation must include a report of their energy and water usage over the 12-month period preceding the date of their license renewal applications.

This requirement is outlined in 935 CMR 500.103(4)(c). All applications for renewal filed on or after July 1, 2020 must include this required documentation.

The Cannabis PowerScore is specified by the Massachusetts CCC as an approved form and manner for reporting energy and water performance.

The Cannabis PowerScore is a free energy, water, and waste benchmarking tool provided by the Resource Innovation Institute (RII), a non-profit focused on advancing resource efficiency for cannabis cultivators. Upgrades to PowerScore were funded by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources.


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