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NZ: Kiwi MMJ pioneers agree to work together

New Zealand medicinal cannabis sector leaders, Kāriki Pharma and Puro have signed a landmark agreement to work together to produce some of the world’s best medicinal cannabis products.

Puro are a Marlborough based medical cannabis grower, with growing sites at Waihopai and along the Kaikoura Coast at Kekerengu. Kāriki Pharma has a strong focus on the research and development of New Zealand made cannabis pharmaceuticals and taking them to the world.

Kāriki Pharma CEO, Steve Wilson, says the Memorandum of Understanding with Puro will enable them to be a world leader in the manufacture of life-changing medicinal cannabis products.

“For us, it’s important to be able to purchase high-quality flower from the best guys in the business, and we think that in New Zealand, that will be Puro. They have the expertise, they have amazing growing sites, and they’re our kind of people. Puro can grow exactly what we need.”


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