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US (CO): Schwazze cut ties with Medicine Man Denver

Medicine Man Denver are terminating their term sheet with Schwazze  effective the expiration of the agreement on August 20, 2020.

Sally Vander Veer, CEO of Medicine Man Denver, stated, "The recent decision to terminate our agreement with Schwazze is the right decision for both companies. We look forward to continuing to build Medicine Man Denver's footprint within our state in order to serve our customers, employees, and communities in which we work."

Andy Williams, President and co-founder of Medicine Man Denver stated, "Medicine Man will continue to help lead the growth of the Colorado cannabis industry to ensure our state maintains the leadership position in the US cannabis industry we enjoy." Andy also announced that Medicine Man Denver will begin a new search for a quality partner that has the desire to have a deep presence in the Colorado market with partners that have been leaders in this industry since its inception in 2009.

For more information:
Medicine Man Denver  


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