ISIAH International, LLC and One World Products, Inc. announced that while attending a special joint U.S.-Colombian Embassy event in Washington, DC commemorating 200 years of diplomatic relations between Colombia and the United States, Mr. Isiah Thomas, OWP's Chief Executive Officer, met with AMUNAFRO's Executive Director, Mr. Jaime Asprilla, to move forward with plans to commercialize the vast carbon credit opportunities contained within its control of approximately 1.2 million acres of farmland in Colombia.
Mr. Thomas commented, "We are thrilled to report on our progress of assessing the development and commercialization of the inherent carbon credits that stem from our partnership with AMUNAFRO. We are exploring several strategies to manage and monetize large-scale industrial hemp feedstock and create one of the largest land and carbon capture communities in the Western Hemisphere. As a reminder, industrial hemp, the non-intoxicating form of cannabis that grows to 13 feet in 100 days, is grown for fiber, cloth, oil, plastics, food, and other purposes, making it one of the fastest CO2-to-biomass conversion tools available. Industrial hemp has been proven to absorb more CO2 per acre than any forest or commercial crop, making it the ideal carbon sink."
"Add these facts with our natural ability to cultivate three harvests per year in Colombia, and we are very excited about the future of our company and improving the lives of millions of Afro-Colombians and indigenous peoples," added Mr. Thomas. "As we continue to scale our operations in-country, we estimate that we should generate hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue per year from selling our carbon credits, excluding any revenue generated from actual sales of hemp products to customers."
While in Washington, DC, Mr. Thomas also met Ms. Reta Jo Lewis, Madam President and Chair of The Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM). EXIM is the official export credit agency of the U.S. and is an independent Executive Branch agency with a mission of supporting American jobs by facilitating the export of U.S. goods and services.
Mr. Thomas said, "I had a great meeting Madam Chair Lewis. She is very passionate about how EXIM unlocks financing solutions for U.S. companies competing around the globe. We found common ground in the fact that we are exporting industrial hemp processing and other equipment to Colombia and that EXIM helps businesses grow and create jobs through exports. I look forward to our future discussions."
"Moreover, we continue to gain traction on our journey to expand our footprint in Colombia and are in various discussions to add additional acreage. Our vision is to provide carbon capturing hemp-based products and solutions for as many companies as imaginable across the world to improve upon their current carbon footprint and meet their short-term and long-term ESG and sustainability initiatives for the betterment of all humankind," concluded Mr. Thomas.
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One World Pharma