For the second time, the GreenTech hosted an entire pavilion dedicated to the medical cannabis industry. Expectations for the European cannabis market's potential are high, international companies gathered in Amsterdam to meet new potential customers. From seeds to substrates, lights, and automating systems, any information a cannabis grower could be looking for was readily available at this section of the trade show.
Click here for our photo report of the Medicinal Cannabis Pavilion.
For a complete illustration of systems and services that could help (aspiring) cannabis growers, the Legal Cannabis Coalition and their members set up the Medicinal Cannabis Greenhouse Experience
George Mekhtarian presenting California Lightworks’ MegaDrive system. “This is a unique, patented solution that removes all power electronics from fixtures and centralizes them in a 10Kw power pack.”
Kevin Strickland and Jim Rearden of BioTherm were excited to meet new possible customers at the show
Exhibitors reported the show started off a bit slow at the start of the first day. That may have had something to do with the location of this year's cannabis pavilion. Unlike last time, the pavilion was located in the back corner of the show floor. Therefore, it took some time for visitors to reach the cannabis section this year. Fortunately, things picked up and the overall opinion was definitely content. Many reported that the visitors dropping by were genuinely interested in the companies, and meetings and sales were being held throughout the three days.
Pablo Diez Birolini and Guillermo García Otín representing CannaPro. Their booth was a busy one at the show.
Diederik van den Broek and Maikel de Bresser of F1 SeedTech, breeders of F1 hybrid cannabis varieties. “The F1 hybrid seeds result in a reliable production, while also making the crop more efficient because of the higher yield and lower cost of agronomic management.”
With the industry still being rather new compared to other horti sectors, spreading knowledge was an important aspect of the cannabis pavilion. So, the days were also filled with well-visited presentations at the Medicinal Cannabis & Vertical Farming Theatre. Sonny Moerenhout of Cultivators, who moderated the cannabis presentations, explained that it was important for the presentations to focus on cultivation. "At most other cannabis conferences, the presentations focus on compliance and market potential. We want to spread knowledge that benefits cannabis cultivation, the aspect on which the success of companies is dependent."
The Medicinal Cannabis & Vertical Farming Theatre
Click here for our photo report of the Medicinal Cannabis Pavilion.
Stay tuned for our photo report of the entire GreenTech show on Monday.