The Costa Rican Executive Power signed the first of the Regulations to Law No. 10113 related to the use of hemp or non-psychoactive cannabis for food and industrial use. Said regulation was signed by President Rodrigo Chaves Robles and by the heads of the Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) portfolios, Laura Bonilla, and Health, Yoselyn Chacón.
A press release from the MAG indicates that the regulation is applicable to individuals or legal entities that are interested in importing, planting, cultivating, harvesting, post-harvesting, storing, transporting, processing, as well as manufacturing, marketing, importing, and export of derivatives and products of health interest of non-psychoactive cannabis or hemp and of hemp for food and industrial use.
The regulation establishes that the authorization of cultivation, production, and related activities of hemp is processed before the Directorate of Agricultural Extension of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and these will have no cost. They will be granted for a period of 6 years and may be renewed for equal periods, at the request of the authorized person and after demonstrating that they meet all the requirements and obligations established in the regulations.
Among the activities authorized by the MAG are the acquisition of seeds, seedlings, cuttings, or any hemp propagation material. Also, the planting, development, harvest, import, transport, and marketing of hemp plants as raw material for transformation processes, among others.
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