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Alvis Ma, Growspec:

“Growing aeroponically boosts yield and cannabinoid levels”

"The main challenge is price, as aeroponics is still new. Our focus is on educating customers about the ROI and cost-efficiency per square meter," says Alvis Ma, Chief Executive Officer at Growspec. The company offers several solutions for cannabis growers, including a focus on aeroponics with their new GS-AERO Ponics system. While not many cannabis growers are yet growing aeroponically, Alvis explains the benefits of using their system. "We're able to achieve up to five harvests per year with an optimized cycle of 2 weeks vegetative and 8 weeks of flowering, boosting yield and enhancing CBD/THC ratios. The best part? Both vegetative and flowering phases run on the same production line - no transplant needed."

An increasing demand
For growers interested in an all-in-one solution, Growspec has its BioCube Container available. "The container is designed mainly for cannabis cultivation, but it's versatile enough to be used for berries, microgreens, leafy greens, and tall plants too. We offer a total solution—hardware, software, air dynamics, photo hydro-cyclization, HVAC, FIC, and lighting, all supported by our SaaS & IoT systems. The BioCube Container is a pre-installed, 'install-n-grow' solution, perfect for smaller operations," Alvis explains.

The Growspec team can also design modular solutions tailored to different needs, including supporting containers. "In places like Germany, where cannabis plantation is limited by club quotas, container growing is a perfect fit for smaller-scale operations compared to larger farms."

In fact, Growspec notices an increased demand from countries like Germany. "Cannabis demand is rising, especially in newly legalized countries like Germany and Thailand." The company expects the increased demand to continue in the future. "We're confident that more countries will legalize cannabis cultivation, especially with France joining the conversation soon," Alvis says. "Growspec is also expanding our offerings for microgreens, leafy greens, strawberries, and more. We're focusing on Total Controlled Environment Agriculture (T-CEA), aiming for innovation and sustainability to deliver more cost-effective solutions for our customers. I'm proud to share that this is our 5th Generation Container Farming solution."

Air sanitization
Another important topic for cannabis growers is air sanitization. That's where the GS-Air Dynamics comes in. "Effective aerodynamics and air diffusion are vital in multi-layer indoor farming. Poor airflow design can lead to uneven plant growth across different levels and locations within the same space due to temperature, humidity, and CO2 imbalances caused by inconsistent airflow and air-exchange rates," Alvis explains. "Growspec's solution addresses these issues comprehensively, ensuring optimal conditions throughout. Additionally, GS-Air Dynamics incorporates photohydrogen ions into the air, eliminating 99% of bacteria and viruses to prevent diseases like powdery mildew and botrytis. The system's spatial design meets GMP-C class cleanliness and ventilation standards."

For more information:
GrowSpec Global
[email protected]