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US (NY): Governor says legal marijuana not likely this year

Gov. Andrew Cuomo does not believe legislation legalizing recreational marijuana in New York will pass before lawmakers adjourn for the year this month, he said Monday.

Cuomo, a Democrat, supports legalization but said he doesn't think there are enough votes in the state Senate to pass a measure. Lawmakers are scheduled to finish their session June 19.

While there's broad support for legalization among members of the Democrat-led state Legislature, lawmakers have so far failed to reach a consensus on the many details of taxing and regulating marijuana. Many lawmakers also want legalization to be accompanied by provisions expunging past low-level marijuana convictions.

"I think politically the Senate is not ready to do it," Cuomo told reporters during a Capitol news conference. "It is a politically controversial issue, no doubt. ... I don't think it's feasible at this point."

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