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Sector | Climate

© Danielschreurs |

How France's hemp industry helps in fight against climate change

Justin Graves, FogCo:

"Humidity control and cooling with integrated fan and misting solutions"

Distribution agreement SecondSky greenhouse covers in UAE

Moisture: friend or foe?

Could the global boom in greenhouses help cool the planet?


The ROI of hot gas reheat in vertical farming

"We’ve customized Building Management System technology for greenhouse applications"

© Davidleshem |

US: Smoke covered 70% of California during biggest wildfire years

LumiRay, the new joint venture of Lumiforte and Ruixue Global

$2.5m of Singapore-Australia green innovation grants finalised

open day at Kalamazoo, Michigan on May 30th

Arie Luiten savors his daily 'bakkie' in the new Luiten Greenhouse facility