Recently a lot of messages went around concerning townships that wanted to either partake or (suddenly), no longer desired to participate in the experiment. At the moment, 26 townships have made it known that they are still interested in participating in the weed experiment, as the Ministry of Justice and Security states.
Minister Grapperhaus of Justice and Security and Minister Bruins of Medical Care and Sport have asked the independent advisory committee ‘Experiment closed coffee shops,’ which is led by prof. Dr. André Knottnerus, to advise them about what townships should be participating in the experiment. In the coalition agreement, it states that the experiment with cannabis cultivation for recreational purposes in the closed coffee shops will be conducted in six to ten townships.
The majors of the townships have made their interests known based on the design-decision for the way the weed experiment is organized. In the Dutch House of Representatives, the bill for the ‘Experiment closed coffee shops,’ as well as the design-decision has been discussed. It is now in the hands of the Dutch Senate. Based on the advice of Commission-Knottnerus, the cabinet will make their decision known to the townships that will be participating in the experiment. This is expected to happen during the Summer.