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US (CA): Canadian grower shares construction update on California based facility

The cannabis company Sunniva has shared a construction update video with regards to the company's cannabis campus in California. 

"the Sunniva California Campus is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built glasshouse facility in Cathedral City, California," the team with the company explains. "Sunniva California Campus is planned in two Phases and has been designed to comply with cGMP* (current Good Manufacturing Practice) standards. Phase one includes 247,000 square feet of glasshouse with 78,000 square feet of header house and breezeway for a total of 325,000 square feet."

The company further explains: "The CPL glasshouse Facility is expected to produce 50,000 kg per year of dry cannabis at capacity with an additional 10,000 kg per year of associated trim. Phase two is expected to increase the glasshouse by 164,000 square feet and increase production by approximately 22,500 kg per year of dry cannabis and approximately 5,000 kg per year of associated trim."

For more information:
Suite 400, 355 - 4th Avenue S. W.
Calgary, AB T2p 0J1
[email protected]       

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