Freshlight is a developer and producer of LED lighting solutions with a combination of full-spectrum sunlight and powerful ionization.
According to Age Bakker, indoor climate advisor with Freshlight, the company’s lighting solutions afford both a full sunlight spectrum and a frequency free light. “The light systems produce frequency free sunlight. The combination of full spectrum sunlight and frequency free light ensures highly efficient photosynthesis,” Age explains. “The LEDs produce min. 2.6 and max. 3.6 micromole/watt/sec., and they have external interchangeable drivers for a longer lifespan.”
Age Bakker, indoor climate advisor with Freshlight
Water ionization
Alongside the light solutions, Freshlight also brings the ionization process to the grow operations, which can be used as a viable crop protection method for cannabis plants. “Ionization is a naturally-occurring process that Freshlight brings into the greenhouse,” Age points out. “Negatively charged ions attach themselves to pathogens and to particulate matter which then falls to the ground as a residue. Through ionization, the air is cleaned from particles of fungi such as Botrytis.”
The benefits of ionized water
Age continues about ionization. He explains the benefits of water when it is, so to speak, ‘restructured’: “Thanks to the latest ionization technology, humans, animals and plants will benefit from ‘structured and ionized water’,” he says. “After the ionization, water is split into smaller particles; thus, the water is able to absorb more oxygen, nutrients and minerals. The results of these processes are decreased pathogen pressure, for instance.”
For more information:
Maagdenburgstraat 56
7421 ZG Deventer
+31 (0)55 30 20 021
[email protected]