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CAN (ON): Results of study on optimizing fertigation

Braingrid Limited has announced that results in a peer-reviewed journal at an Ontario cannabis production facility shows optimizing fertigation can increase yields by up to 110%.

"Braingrid's recently launched Data Intelligence Program collects cultivation data from cannabis growers and producers of other agricultural products to alter and optimize growth conditions including, but not limited to, the use of fertigation," the team with the company explains. "The result is improved product consistency and significant savings."

"With payback in as little as a producer's third harvest, increased yield and cost savings could amount to as much as $150,000 over 8 growth cycles for growers adopting Braingrid's technology in a 20,000 square foot facility."

"Research shows that many cannabis producers appear to have little peer-reviewed data on optimal fertigation rates. Given that optimal fertigation is the foundation for optimal yield, there's a gap in knowledge where Braingrid's solutions provide significant insight into fertigation performance," said Michael Kadonoff, CEO of Braingrid. "With our Data Intelligence Program, growers are provided with the knowledge they need to adapt their growing conditions before a problem arises, saving not only the significant costs associated with crop failure, but also optimizing yields and revenue growth."

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