Garden Remedies is an 89,000 square foot indoor growing facility, specifically designed for the cultivation of medicinal-grade cannabis, in Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
“Set up in 2013 to provide the cleanest, highest quality product for our patients, I began using biocontrols because I wanted a safe and effective alternative to spraying pesticides,” says Kyle Vigeant, Director of Cultivation. “I chose to work with Biobest as they provide extremely good customer service and technical advice.
“At Garden Remedies, we combine bi-weekly releases of biocontrol agents with state-of-the-art biosecurity measures,” Kyle explains. “We make regular applications of the Steinernema-System and Hypoaspis-System and follow up with introductions of the Swirskii-Breeding-System and Californicus-Breeding-System in sachets − which are very easy and effective. Our programme also includes regular introductions of the Chrysopa-System and Insidiosus-System. Within a very short time we began to see very positive results.
“Working with the Biobest team has helped us avoid using potentially harmful crop control products enabling us to produce the purest and healthiest products possible.
For more information:
Biobest Belgium NV
Ilse Velden 18
2260 Westerlo - Belgium
T +32 14 25 79 80
F +32 14 25 79 82
[email protected]