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Ray Junghans, RJ Chemicals president

“All the processes need to be evaluated, and then those Best Operating standards have to be extended"

When pharma companies produce medicine, they follow strict standards that ensure a consistent product, so that patients know they will get the same effect every time. However, when it comes to the medical cannabis industry, these standards are still being introduced. “I have seen many medical cannabis grow rooms, and most of them are so different between each other,” says Ray Junghans, RJ Chemicals president. “We have been working closely for years for a variety of industries and sectors, providing them with sanitation solutions: colleges, universities, sports teams, food processors, and pharma companies as well, of course. In those sectors, everyone works with specific standards; the medical cannabis industry needs to do the same."

The concept of standards implies guidelines and procedures to follow with regards to every single aspect of a given operation. “This means that growers would know what to do from the moment they start growing, to the time of harvest,” Ray points out. “One of the most common difficulties I have noticed is the issue growers have in keeping the level of pathogens within grow rooms low. This is because there are not many compliant solutions available, and at the same time the ones out there are not always suitable.”

Ray Junghans

Broad range of bacterial kill
That is why RJ Chemicals has introduced a solution with a broad range of bacterial kill. “Our Ultralyte disinfectant is Health Canada DIN (Drug Identification Numbered) certified, certified organic, Canadian food inspection agency approved, and on the Natural Health Products List, for instance.” Ray explains that the company has been running many trials which have shown incredible results. “Our Ultralyte disinfectant is a natural Electrochemically Activated Water disinfection system, which, once electrically charged, attaches itself to the bacteria, proactively fighting them. Single bacteria are rather easy to remove; things get particularly tricky when they are multilayered. Our trials with Ultralyte have shown that this solution shreds the biofilm in an exceptionally easy way.” 

Thus, Ray further explains that this product is used to disinfect the room, and the equipment, for instance. “It works as an environmental protection that provides biosecurity. It is safe for humans, and we are waiting for Health Canada to approve that it is safe for the plants too. Other countries have this certification for similar products, so it is only a matter of time before we will have this available.”

The importance of being proactive
The mindset that RJ Chemicals had when introducing their Ultralyte Disinfectant was one that understood being proactive as one of the pillars of success. “I have seen many medical cannabis operations that approach this issue with a reactive mentality; that is, as soon as a problem arises, they start addressing it. However, in such a competitive market you cannot lose ground. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to be proactive, anticipate the issues that might come along the way, and fix them before they become real. Surely, the confusion over commonly accepted standards does not help growers in being proactive.”

However, things are expected to change positively. “The industry is on the right track for coming up with standardization,” he points out. “All the processes need to be evaluated, and then those Best Operating standards have to be extended. As an industry we are working on that, and as a company, we want to work on the control side. I want to provide the sector with something simple, that can be done repeatedly, and adequately. You need something that anyone can do, because if you come up with something that only specialists can get done, then no one will actually do it. That’s where I want the industry to be, and that’s what we as a company are looking for.”

For more information:
RJ Chemicals
[email protected]