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Oreon launches new 1000W water-cooled fixture

"Size matters in the horticultural industry"

Size matters. That’s what they are assured of at Oreon and something they’ve taken to heart in their history of developing water-cooled LED fixtures. Yesterday they showed again the importance of size - and power and efficiency - by presenting their new fixture Monarch. It was launched by a 3 meter tall Robot carrying the fixture and showing the power of 3100 μMol/s and Jan Mol, explaining how the fixture can help growers achieve higher light levels in the greenhouse.

The team with Oreon presenting the new Monarch fixture

Water-cooled fixtures
The new water-cooled fixture was presented in Berlin at an evening event with many people who have been important for the company - and since the team with Oreon highly values cooperation within the industry, the get-together included growers, other suppliers and relations from inside the industry.

These collaborations and their investments in research and innovation have resulted in the new Monarch fixture that is launched during Fruit Logistics 2020. “The light output of up to 3100 μMol/s at an energy consumption of 1010W means more light and fewer fixtures in the greenhouse”, Jan Mol explains, calculating how that means a lower investment and lower installation costs and, probably more important, less sunlight being blocked due to the fixtures. “Replacing a 1000W HPS fixture with the Monarch lets a grower provide around 60% more light on the crop.”

With the Koppert Cress team, one of the first growers who believed in the water cooled fixtures


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3401 MX IJsselstein
T: +31 30 760 0660
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