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IL: Agreement to bolster supply of MMJ in Israel

IM Cannabis has announced that Focus Medical Herbs has signed a 12-month definitive supply agreement (the "Supply Agreement") with Intelicanna Ltd. ("Intelicanna")(INTL.TA) for a minimum of 500kg and up to 1,000kg of medical cannabis. Additional purchases may be made by Focus Medical under this agreement without a change to the contracted price paid to Intelicanna. The final products will be sold to pharmacies in Israel under the IMC brand.

Focus Medical is one of eight original licensed producers in Israel with over 10 years of experience growing high quality medical cannabis in the Israeli market. Focus Medical has an exclusive commercial agreement with IMC to distribute its production under the IMC brand. IMC's strategy in Israel is to pursue additional supply agreements of this nature in order to continue increasing market share of the IMC brand.

"The demand for medical cannabis in Israel is rising quickly and securing additional supply with a premium cultivator is an excellent long-term development for the IMC brand. This agreement also represents strong third-party validation of Focus Medical's intellectual property in plant genetics which are unique and favored by many Israeli consumers," says Oren Shuster , Chief Executive Officer of IMC. "IMC will continue to pursue similar arrangements with other medical cannabis suppliers as pharmacies in Israel demand more and more quality products for their patients over the long-term."

Details of the Supply Agreement
The Supply Agreement between Focus Medical and Intelicanna is for a term of 12 months from the date of the first planting in Intelicanna's facility. The Supply Agreement is contingent on Intelicanna receiving IMC-GAP approval by June 15, 2020 .

Intelicanna will obtain access to Focus Medical's unique and proprietary genetics for the purpose of delivering product under the Supply Agreement but the genetics will remain the exclusive property of Focus Medical. Intelicanna may not sell, transfer or perform research with the genetics it accesses through this Supply Agreement without consent from Focus Medical. Under the Supply Agreement, Intelicanna is responsible for all production activities but Focus Medical will have access to Intelicanna's growing facility to monitor the entire growing process.

Focus Medical will make a deposit against future deliveries of 427,500 NIS (approximately CDN$ 170 ,000) within a month from the execution date of the Supply Agreement. The balance of payments for future deliveries will be made by Focus Medical within 30 days from delivery by Intelicanna.

For more information:
IM Cannabis  

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