Digipath has received a Research and Development license to cultivate cannabis via an approval provided by Health Canada to the Company’s recently acquired VSSL Enterprises Ltd.
VSSL’s management team, including Kyle Remenda and Dr. Philippe Henry have joined Digipath’s management team as CEO and Chief Technology Officer, respectively.
"The Research and Development (R&D) license will enable the Company to cultivate cannabis at three field sites with 2,000 plants at a time per site, and one lab where the genetics can be grown via tissue culture," the team with the company explains. "Digipath will use the R&D license to focus on stabilizing prized elite genetics and developing novel cannabis genetics using a combination of standard breeding and biotech tools. Once the Company has developed something novel, characterized imported seeds, or improved on existing genetics, the Company can apply to Health Canada for a sales amendment to sell the product of its R&D in legal markets.
“We are pleased to have secured the permission from Health Canada and to expand Digipath’s efforts internationally,” stated Kyle Remenda, CEO, Digipath, Inc. “We can combine the experience and knowledge bases of VSSL and Digipath to pursue the opportunity with greater vigor and to greatly expand future opportunities for the Company and to the benefit of its shareholders.”
“I would also like to remind our shareholders that we continue to support the Nevada cannabis industry with testing and quality control as they are permitted to sell via delivery services through Nevada’s temporary shutdown of non-essential businesses,” added Remenda.
For more information:
6450 Cameron Street #113
Las Vegas, NV 89118
(702) 209 2429