In an ocean of LED companies with conflicting claims, which one can be trusted for their horticultural lighting expertise? How can a grower understand which spectrum his/her plants would mostly benefit from? This free webinar will break down the spectrum development process so as to enable growers and researchers to better understand what kind of light is best for them.
Valoya, the research driven LED manufacturer from Finland, has conducted over 600 plant trials in the past decade in search for the highest quality light for cultivation and research purposes. In this process it has amassed over 100 patents and developed over 60 spectra of which only 5 were commercialized.
Choosing wavelengths such as blue, red, far red, UV and manipulating ratios such as red:far red and blue:green are some of the factors that go into account in the spectrum development process. In the plant trials conducted we observe parameters that are of importance to growers such as plant biomass and morphology, secondary metabolite accumulation etc. Additionally, growers need lights that achieve their cultivation targets efficiently, so spectrum development always includes economic considerations so that the minimal amount of Watts gets the desired output.
The webinar is free-of-charge and will be held on May 27th at 15.00 EET. It will be presented by Ms. Stefanie Linzer, Plant R&D Director and Mr. Harri Ekdahl, Product Manager at Valoya.
To learn more about the webinar and register for it, please click here.
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