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US (MO): Completion of installment of CO2 delivery solution systems in hemp greenhouses

Toronto based CO2 GRO has successfully completed fifteen full scale installations of its CO2 Delivery Solutions systems at Missouri based Linn County Seed & Flower Co-op and Sacred Seeds Hemp Farms. "The greenhouse owners will be evaluating the performance of CO2 Delivery Solutions throughout one harvest cycle in which aqueous CO2 misting will be consistently applied from vegetative stage through to harvesting of the hemp seeds," the team with the company explains. "Upon completion of the harvest cycle, greenhouse owners will have the option to purchase the installed systems. The individual greenhouses are currently at various stages of the growth cycle ranging from early vegetative stage to the beginning of the flowering stage."

Linn County and Sacred Seeds work with nearly 250 contracted hemp greenhouses across several states growing hemp for American Hemp Ventures, one of the largest hemp product distributors in the United States. Linn County and Sacred Seeds will also serve as one of CO2 GRO’s flagship locations where potential customers can visit to see CO2 Delivery Solutions systems in action.

Linn County Seed & Flower CEO, Levi Swanson, who is also CEO of Klondike Agricultural Products, an innovative seed technology company stated, “We are impressed with the installations and are already seeing results such as faster growth and bigger plants compared to what we expected. There are another nine greenhouses at Linn County who have expressed interest in installing CO2 Delivery Solutions for their next grow cycle after seeing the resulting growth firsthand. The state of Missouri is positioning itself as a leader in high quality hemp production and we see ourselves as a leader in driving the growth of hemp cultivation in the state. We are also excited about the quantity and quality of seed that will be produced at Linn County which will be incorporated into Klondike’s KAPsol self-contained ecosystem technology which provides growers with higher germination rates and crop viability for greater yields."

"Linn County and Sacred Seeds greenhouse owners also expressed their satisfaction with CO2 Delivery Solutions," they further explain. Hunter Marriott, owner of three greenhouses at Linn County commented, “The faster and bigger growth during the vegetative stage was visible in just one week after implementing. It has certainly had an impressive effect on my plants.” Robert Allen, owner of two greenhouses at Sacred Seeds commented, “I am using CO2 Delivery Solutions primarily to help prevent the growth of mold and powdery mildew, but let’s face it, faster growth and larger plants were huge selling points as well."

"As of April I have been using the system in two large greenhouses for about a month and I am already seeing improved growth with no signs of stress, mold or mildew.” According to John Archibald, GROW’s CEO, “We sub-contracted the installation to a local contractor that works closely with Linn County and Sacred Seeds. This is a crucial part of our operations strategy which enables us to respond quickly and effectively to large orders throughout our target markets, especially in crisis situations such as we are experiencing with COVID-19 related travel restrictions. We look forward to completing these first fifteen harvest cycles and expanding this opportunity to the remaining nine greenhouses at Linn County, as well as the more than 250 greenhouses within the American Hemp Ventures group.”

For more information:
Suite 5800 40 King St West
Box 1011 
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3S1
(416) 315-7477 
[email protected]      

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