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US (CO): Boulder County approves to proceed with the acquisition of SevenFive Farm

The Boulder County has approved the transfer of ownership of SevenFive Farm to General Cannabis. "This is an important part of the state-regulated change of control process," the team with the company explains. "General Cannabis will now work with the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division to establish a date for the formal change of ownership, which the Company anticipates will occur within the next two weeks."

"SevenFive Farm is a 17,000 square foot light deprivation greenhouse cultivation facility in Boulder, Colorado that produces wholesale cannabis products. General Cannabis Corp already operates Next Big Crop (“NBC”), a full-service cannabis consulting firm with expertise in the application, design, buildout and operation of cultivation facilities.  NBC has designed and operated over 100 cultivation facilities throughout the country and enabled clients to produce over 100,000 pounds of regulated cannabis. SevenFive Farm will leverage the NBC team to improve production yield."

For more information:
General Cannabis Corp.
[email protected]   

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