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US (CA): Grower carries out harvest and continues retrofitting the greenhouse

Sunset Island Group has recently harvested Bay 1 which will be used for extraction purposes. Bay 2 was harvested beginning March 9. As part of the harvesting, the Company pre-trimmed the sellable flower from the flower that would be used for extraction purposes. The Company hung 53 kilograms (approximately 116 pounds) of sellable flower to dry. The Company expects to yield between 30-40 pounds of sellable flower.

"We froze approximately 20-30 pounds of flower that will be used for extraction purposes," the team with the company explains. "Typically, we would expect to see yields of 10-18% from the process weight. But that is typical of trim and not flower. Processing flower could yield as much as 25% from the processed weight."

"The company's goal (once retrofit is completed) is to produce 0.08-0.10 pounds per square foot of canopy space per harvest. The Company expects the canopy space to be between 1,200 and 1,600 square feet per bay (each bay is a total of approximately 2,000 square feet). Which would be an estimated 96-160 pounds per bay per harvest."

The Company expects that its trim weight will be approximately 20-25% of the sellable flower weight. The expected yield for extraction from the trim is 10-18% of the processed trim weight. For example, if ten pounds of trim is processed the company would expect it would produce between 1 pound and 1.8 pounds.

The Company has planted Bays 3, 4, and 5 under its new growing technique of using coco coir and increasing its plant count. As these bays are harvested and new bays are planted and harvested the Company would be able to provide additional projections and fine-tune its operations.

"The Company has been in the process of retrofitting our current greenhouse," they further explain. "The retrofit is two phases: Phase 1 is the retrofit of the current greenhouse operations and Phase 2 is the building of a new greenhouse on the Company's bare land or retrofitting another greenhouse on the property."

"The Company has begun the process to better insulate the greenhouse and install HVAC systems in the greenhouse. Each grow bay would have its own HVAC system which would allow the company to maintain and control the environment. The Company has ordered and is installing Quest 506 dehumidifiers in the greenhouse. 
The Company has begun expanding the Greenhouse (which is part of Phase 2). The company will move the nursery from Bay 6 into a self-contained greenhouse. This will allow Bay 6 to be used as grow bay thereby increasing the growable area by approximately 20%.
The Company has begun to reduce the size of the flowering plants to allow for a multi-tier grow system to be used within the greenhouse, adding at least 1 level for a 2-tier grow system with the goal of adding a 2nd level for a 3-level tier system. Under this system, a 2-tier system we expect to produce 96-160 pounds of sellable flower while a 3-tier system could exceed 240 pounds per harvest. The Company is currently able to clone approximately 100 plants per day. The goal is to increase that to 350 plants per day.

Thus far, we have also accomplished many items as part of the retrofit of Phase 1, such as the completed rewiring of the greenhouse to provide the additional power needs for the retrofit. This was completed on January 20, 2018, installed 120 LED lights in our grow bays and also installed 8 "Sensor Push" atmospheric sensors in the greenhouse. The sensors provide wireless thermometer / hygrometer readings with alerts. These allow us to monitor the Sensor Push sensors remotely and with the cloud service we can receive current conditions, alerts and the full data history of each grow bay."

"Additionally, we have converted the clone room and operations to a Coco Coir and hydroponics system: we have begun planting 2 bays with Coco Coir. On top of that, we have also increased the number of plants in each bay to approximately 1,200 (up from 480 plants), built out new dry rooms and built out new trim rooms. We have installed 28 cameras in the greenhouse and dry/trim rooms, begun build out of manufacturing room and of the distribution room."

The Company's current greenhouse operations are conducted with a 12,000 square feet greenhouse, 1,000 square foot warehouse and approximately 9,000 square feet of bare land that the Company currently has temporary buildings on for administration purposes.

"The goal of the retrofit for Phase 1 is to increase the growable space in the current greenhouse to approximately 22,000 (with a vertical grow) with approximately 85% being canopy space (or approximately 19,000 square feet). The Company's goal is to yield 0.08-0.10 pounds per growable space and to have 5 harvests."

For more information:
Sunset Island Group
(424) 239-6230
[email protected]

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