Albania is expected to see an increase of cannabis production in the wake of the coronavirus. According to a report compiled by Europol, the cultivation of herbal cannabis is expected to increase as law enforcement resources are diverted to enforce compliance with COVID-19 restriction measures.
The report points out that certain trafficking routes from the Western Balkans are still in use, based on recent large seizures of herbal cannabis in Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. In addition, in early May, a one metric tonne seizure of herbal cannabis was reported near the Albanian-Greek border.
According to sources presented in the report, the COVID-19 pandemic does not have a direct effect on the domestic production of herbal cannabis. Only Bulgaria reported a decrease in production. This may be linked to the continuation of well-established criminal mechanisms and cultivation sites in several countries.
"These illegal markets continue to generate huge profits, including during the pandemic. Seizures of illegal drugs in some EU countries during the first half of 2020 have been higher than in the same months of previous years," Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director of Europol stated.