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Group hopes to shape legal cannabis water standards

The Resource Innovation Institute (RII), a non-profit organization formed to promote energy efficiency for cannabis growers and other crops, recently announced the formation of a new Water Working Group.

The group, made up of experts in multiple fields and disciplines (including some heavy hitters on the irrigation tech side of the horticulture industry such as Grodan, Argus, and Dramm), is hoping to establish water usage and water quality benchmarks for legal cannabis growers, regardless of growing style. The goal is to present its findings to the industry at-large in December at the annual MJBizCon Convention in Las Vegas. 

Derek Smith heads up the project as RII’s Executive Director. Smith recently told Greenhouse Grower that it was one much bandied about statistic about water usage in cannabis production that inspired the institute to take on water benchmarking. The group has already released similar reports on HVAC and LED lighting usage in cannabis production, as well as its CannabisPowerScore sustainability certification index for cultivators.

Read more about the activities and how you can be involved at

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