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CR: Cannabis legal loopholes create unnecessary troublesome issues

Cannabis users in Costa Rica pay almost ten times more for every gram, obtained from illegal sources, compared to places near their border. The information was presented by comparing prices for the two typical ways of selling this product in Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, El Salvador, Uruguay, Germany, and New York.

Surprisingly, while in the Colombian market, a gram of hydroponic type Cannabis (Cripa or Cripi) is paid between $ 0.5 and USD 2.5, in Costa Rica, the price established for some years by illegal producers is approximately USD 20.

No country in the region presents this type of price premium and the only comparable place is the regulated market in New York where such a gram is around USD 15. Another source consulted reports that the price on the streets of Germany is around USD 10. As for what is called Pressed or Paraguayan Cannabis, as it is known in South America, prices remain high.

This type of product has different routes of distribution. Especially from the producing countries: Mexico, Jamaica, and Colombia. In the same way, in recent years the popularized Jamaican variety prevails as the main one in this market, according to various media.


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