With in-person events cancelled for the foreseeable future, virtual trade shows have been planned. While face-to-face will be missed, these virtual events have the potential to connect the industry.
Dramm is ready for Virtual Cultivate with a booth on the virtual exhibit floor as well as extended information and features on their expanded booth online. “Cultivate is usually the perfect time to congregate and connect with the horticultural industry following the spring ornamental season,” says Kurt Becker, Commercial Manager for Dramm. “This year, both growers and exhibitors will be looking for that connection.”
With those connections missing in person, Dramm is focusing on video-chat to get as close as possible to a similar experience. When customers visit the virtual booth on the exhibit floor or connect from the expanded show site, Dramm will ask if the customer prefers a live video chat, or even a phone call, to facilitate a conversation and idea sharing.
To further facilitate connections, Dramm will be holding a series of live micro-webinars throughout Cultivate week. Customers can register for these different webinars here. Finally, if growers are exploring the virtual exhibition space and don’t have time for an immediate conversation, the company has added a scheduling tool so appointments can be made for future meetings.
These tools will all be accessible from Dramm’s Virtual Cultivate booth. "The whole Dramm Team looks forward to this opportunity to connect with the industry, as we do each year. With the horticulture industry in North America flourishing, we hope to be able to help growers with their irrigation, water management, air movement and pest management needs."

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