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CO: Sannabis meets with University's students to implement cannabis internship program

View Systems' Sannabis will meet with students and faculty from the University of Cauca to implement their internship program established through a Collaboration Agreement with Sannabis’ Taller Libre Community Association. University of Cauca was founded in 1827 as the University of Popayan and later changed name to Universidad del Cauca in 1884.  

This agreement with the University allows Sannabis to approach major food and medical corporations that want to enter the cannabis space but are limited by research.

The Internship Program will cover the following areas:

  1. Research projects on the medicinal properties of Sannabis products, application of the products, protocols for product certification, dosing protocol for diseases, and research that derives from the projects of companies that support this initiative. (Health Sciences Faculty).
  2. Research projects on the benefits of cosmetic products. (Faculty of Engineering)
  3. Research projects of social impacts, in the development of community proposals, derived from the process of cultivation, transformation, commercialization and application of products.
  4. Research, production and development projects in the process of , psychoactive (THC) and non-psychoactive (CBD) cultivation, cultivation for flower, seed, stems, and comprehensive use of cannabis (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences).
  5. Cannabis regulation. (Faculty of Law, political and social sciences)

Sannabis previously announced a site visit of their Seed Propagation Facility near Popayan-CAUCA by the Colombian Institute of Agriculture (ICA) on July 30, 2020 at 9am. "ICA will inspect, make recommendations, and give the Company 60 days to comply, after which the approval process begins," the team with the company explains. "Sannabis applied for this license prior to December 31, 2018, the deadline for new applications, after this date no more applications are being accepted. Arguably a Colombian Seed Use License could be the most sought after and valuable marijuana license anywhere in the World.

The University of Cauca will certify Sannabis products as well as the Sannabis Cultivars from their seed bank. Students will also study the dosification and efficacy of Sannabis products giving the Company a huge advantage over competitors. 

“I don’t believe many Cannabis products on the shelves in the U.S. and elsewhere have been analyzed and certified by a 190-year-old University. Dosage has always been an issue with consumers since it’s anecdotal and until now wasn’t backed by research, right now it’s trial and error to find the dosage that works for you,” stated John Campo, President of View Systems, Inc. and Sannabis co-founder.

“We’re proud to be working with the University in my hometown,” stated Juan Paulo Guzman, co-founder and Director of Sannabis. “Several other much bigger companies were after this relationship and we’re happy the University recognized our 23 years working with the community making quality products and promoting a new livelihood,” continued Mr. Guzman.

For more information:
Carrera 83A # 18 -28 Cali - Colombia
+57 319 384 3901
[email protected]  

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