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DE: Cansativa awarded distribution of cannabis flower from German cultivation

Cansativa was awarded the contract by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) to roll out distribution, logistics and general services for the wholesale of cannabis flowers from German cultivation. On behalf of the cannabis agency, Cansativa will distribute the cannabis flowers from German cultivation to pharmacies and be among other things responsible for storage, commissioning and outgoing logistics.

By winning the contract, Cansativa will coordinate the central distribution of cannabis flowers grown by Aurora, Aphria and Demecan in Germany on behalf of the Cannabis Agency. The contract with the BfArM will run for four years with a total volume of up to 10.4 tons.

Cansativa has been importing and distributing medical cannabis to a large number of German pharmacies for over two years. The German market is the largest and fastest growing market for medical cannabis in Europe. With a comprehensive multi-brand portfolio of products from leading international manufacturers such as Aurora, Bedrocan, Tweed and Tilray, Cansativa has developed into an independent “one-stop shop” to become a specialised wholesaler and a single-point-of-contact for medical cannabis in the German market.

“We are pleased to be able to use the experience we have gained from our previous business activities for the BfArM now as well. With our comprehensive product portfolio, we will act nationally and internationally as an independent wholesale partner and aim to further professionalise the market. Our goal is to strengthen Cansativa as a central platform for the purchase and distribution of medical cannabis,” explains Benedikt Sons, co-founder and CEO of Cansativa.

Cansativa is considered a pioneer in the industry and works continuously to improve the supply of medical cannabis.

For more information:
Taunusanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt am Main
T: +49 69 2475 778 40
F: +49 69 2475 778 49
[email protected]  

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