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Cultivators expands into North America

Large-scale growing is a complex endeavor in itself; and when this is about cannabis, the complexity increases tenfold. The level of knowledge required to successfully run a large-scale cannabis cultivation is unprecedented in the horticulture industry, and many growers are seeking support from experts. At the same time, the global pandemic has inevitably slowed down travelling, which halted people’s movement and consequentially the sharing of face-to-face knowledge and support. For all those reasons, Cultivators has expanded its team with John Dol and Brady Green, to be able to help North American cannabis growers to efficiently run their operation. “With this expansion of the team we also work together on projects in Europe and the Pacific including expertise, knowledge and best practices. From training on the basic cannabis plant physics to complete project management and daily operations and management. All to understand the differences regarding key decisions such as greenhouse vs indoor, HPS vs LED, drip vs ebb/flood irrigation, etc. so our customers can make well-informed (business) decisions and successful operations,” says Sonny Moerenhout, founder of Cultivators. “Alone, you cannot grow as a person and you cannot expand your growing knowledge. By combining the Dutch expertise with North America’s knowledge of cannabis growing, we can offer cannabis growers the best of both worlds.”

This is especially necessary during times in which the market is getting increasingly competitive. “For instance, in Canada we are seeing a saturation of the market, and growers are trying to have their product stand out,” Brady Green explains. “And in order to do that, you need to be able to deal with the challenges of the scale of the operation, pest issues, and so on: the result are consistent high quality products. Or in other words: safe and sound ingredients.”

Sonny, John, and Brady will help growers with everything large-scale cannabis growing, from facility design to genetics. “And generally speaking, to make a good plan of action,” Brady points out. To do this, the combination of North American and Dutch knowledge will provide growers with the best value. “North America can already rely on a number of expert growers who have been sharing their knowledge, and have paved the way to the future of cannabis cultivation,” Brady says. “On the other hand, European growers, especially the Dutch ones, are experts in large-scale cultivation and efficiency, and they are just now transitioning to cannabis, while North American growers are transitioning to a more large-scale cultivation-oriented mentality. This is the combination that we provide our clients with.” And indeed, Sonny remarks that “one might think that if a system works with a crop, then it works on cannabis too; but that’s not the case. By expanding the Cultivators’ team with Brady and John, we can bring more efficiency and higher production levels to large-scale cannabis growing operations.”

The understanding of the different aspects of a cannabis plant is further elevated by Cultivators through their collaborations with research institutions. “Over the last months Cultivators had the opportunity to conduct a study around mother plants set-up and rooting of clones at Wageningen University. Results will be made available soon to help our direct customers as well as suppliers of the cannabis industry,” Sonny concludes.

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For more information:
Cannabis Cultivators
[email protected]