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GrowFlux and XtraLight partner on IoT controls for horticultural lighting

GrowFlux has recently partnered with Houston, TX based horticultural lighting manufacturer XtraLight to offer wireless IoT controls alongside XtraLight PowerGrove LED Grow Lights. The relationship expands XtraLight’s horticultural lighting solutions to encompass intelligent lighting controls and allows XtraLight to offer complete turnkey intelligent lighting systems for greenhouses and indoor farms.

GrowFlux’s IoT lighting controls pair well with XtraLight’s high performance PowerGrove lights. The GrowFlux Dimmer offers a simple and easy-to-use control solution for lighting installations of any size. Precision control of horticultural lighting enables tremendous energy savings, since horticultural lighting energy consumption represents one of the highest operating costs in indoor farming and greenhouse agriculture. Advanced control schedules also enable yield enhancement by adapting lighting levels to the stage of crop development, reducing crop stress and improving overall yield.

“We have been impressed by XtraLight’s product lineup and commitment to quality and are excited to bring advanced features like smartphone control and energy saving scheduling to their product line,” says GrowFlux CEO Eric Eisele. The close cooperation between the two companies allows GrowFlux to offer a user experience tailored to XtraLight’s products. Starting in October 2020, all models and configurations of XtraLight’s PowerGrove lights will be available for precision control in GrowFlux’s platform. XtraLight’s customers will benefit from adding customized controls to their LED horticulture lights.

XtraLights PowerGrove Designer Javier Silva says, “We were thrilled to find a solution which provides luminaire controls with a large-scale capacity. The GrowFlux system allows growers, cultivators and horticulturists to control multiple fixtures with one simple application.”

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