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US (MI): Birmingham-based grower opens cultivation, processing facility

Birmingham-based Future Grow Solutions has opened a facility in Center Line where it will grow and process cannabis products from seedlings all the way to products for retail sale.

Located in the former Charter Steel facility, Mark Savaya, CEO, has renovated the space into a cannabis complex, operating with Center Line Group One and Nate Group. The 40,000-square-foot complex will hold cannabis growing, production, and provisioning in one area. Future Grow Solutions has a 100,000-square-foot cannabis complex in Detroit.

Savaya purchased the complex in 2019 and plans to invest $7-8 million in building upgrades, safety and security, and production equipment. Upgrades are expected to be complete at the end of January 2021 with the first harvest expected for the end of May 2021.

The majority of the investment was in the initial production, cultivation, and production equipment. Future Grow Solutions is the exclusive Michigan distributor of the CropTower System, a vertically integrated growing system that produces extremely high yields using recycled, filtered water and LED lighting. Each tower can hold 102 plants in a nine-foot-by-nine-foot area and can harvest 120 pounds of cannabis annually. Savaya anticipates having 9,000 plants in continual harvest at the facility.


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