A cannabis cultivation and processing operation go be set up in the unused lot of the old Shaw-Walker factory in Muskegon, mlive reports.
The request was supported by the Muskegon Planning Commission. The building owners wanted to be zoned for all types of cannabis licenses - the building was anyway already in a district that allows cannabis retail sales.
According to city staff, this cannabis cultivation might as well be the very last change to redevelop the century-old building. This was listed for sale for $12M, but was taken off the market last summer.
If the project receives approval, some 2,000 cannabis plants will be grown inside the old office furniture factory. Potentially, also a processing operation might be set up there.
“That building has been vacant and falling apart slowly for a long time,” Muskegon Planning Director Mike Franzak told the planning commission earlier this month. “We’ve already seen part of it come down. I don’t know how much longer it has to go.”