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US (MI): Edmore Village Council approves two cannabis grower licenses

Two new marijuana businesses have received the green light to set up shop in Edmore.

The Village Council voted at its meeting Monday night to approve municipal marijuana grower facility licenses for HBSCru of Ada and Grower Consultants LLC of Wyoming, Michigan, in separate motions.

In the first motion, the vote was 7-0 in favor of granting a license to HBSCru to grow medical marijuana. Village President Gloria Burr and council members Tom Colburn, Carla Green, Ronald Griswold, Chet Guild, John Moore and Jerry Rasmussen all voted in favor. 

In the second motion, the vote was 6-1 in favor of granting a license to Grower Consultants to grow adult-use, or recreational, marijuana. Rasmussen cast the lone “no” vote. He has gone on record as being against allowing recreational marijuana-related businesses in the village.


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