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US (WA): Western Washington University to offer cannabis certificate programs to meet professional skills gap

Western Washington University's Professional and Continuing Education has adopted four new certificate programs, focused on career preparation and skills development for the growing cannabis industry. Leafly's annual cannabis jobs report highlights the need for skilled employees, as the industry is now the fastest growing job-sector in the country and supporting double-digit job growth since 2016.

"Western has a strong tradition in supporting innovative educational opportunities in cannabis science education," noted the Vice Provost for Outreach and Continuing Education, Robert Squires. "These excellent professional and continuing educations programs provide further opportunities for Washington citizens to benefit from an area of underserved career opportunity."     

WWU is collaborating with Green Flower, a market-leading cannabis education company, to offer four programs in Business, Agriculture & Horticulture, Healthcare & Medicine, and Law & Policy. The certificates are designed as both an on-ramp for professionals for work in the industry and for current cannabis industry employees looking to build on their current knowledge.

The programs are designed for working professionals and offered 100% online. Each 24-week program costs $2,950, and includes three eight-week courses. Students can complete their courses on a flexible schedule through instructor-led weekly modules. The certificates also offer a portfolio project that allows students to demonstrate their sector-specific knowledge to employers.

The certificate programs were designed and are taught by expert instructors with in-depth knowledge and experience in the cannabis industry. After completing a certificate, students will have access to Green Flower's Employer Network–providing priority access to open positions, hiring contacts, and networking opportunities within multiple large national and regional cannabis companies.

"We are very excited to have Western Washington University as our newest partner in offering quality, in-demand, and meaningful cannabis programs to people in Washington and throughout the Pacific Northwest," said Daniel Kalef, EVP of University Partnerships at Green Flower. "For many years, Green Flower has developed curriculum meant to help people learn more about the legal cannabis industry and how to be a knowledgeable contributor to this rapidly growing market."

Programs begin in March 2021, and enrollment is open now. For more information, visit 

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