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US (CA): Four hemp varieties receive certification from Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies

Arcadia Biosciences' four GoodHemp varieties – Rogue, Umpqua, Santiam and Potomac –  have all passed the rigorous standards of the national Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) variety review board.

“In an emerging industry such as hemp, where variable quality of seed has historically plagued growers, being able to provide the quality assurance that AOSCA certification brings is critical,” said Randy Shultz, Ph.D., chief technology officer of Arcadia Biosciences. “We are pleased to be setting the bar for quality, uniformity and performance in the hemp seed industry and look forward to supporting growers with superior genetics to enable successful outcomes for them and for the industry as a whole.”

“The goal of seed certification is to maintain varietal purity to ensure that growers receive the pure, high quality seed they expect,” said Chet Boruff, chief executive officer of AOSCA. “Hemp varieties that have successfully passed through the AOSCA variety review process are eligible for the production of certified hemp seed, transplants or clones, following AOSCA standards. The variety review is conducted by representatives of seed certifying agencies, academia, the seed industry and USDA, following requirements established in the U.S Seed Act, to make certain new varieties are distinct, uniform and stable,” Boruff explained.

“AOSCA certification signifies to the industry that GoodHemp seed is produced to the highest standards for genetic purity, uniformity, high germination and feminization rates and varietal identity. It also enables sales in states such as Florida, that require AOSCA certified hemp seed for planting,” said Shultz.

The four AOSCA-certified GoodHemp varieties are:

  • Umpqua: CBD dominant, early photoperiod variety for both the smokable and CBD extraction markets. Prized for its unique terpene profile. (Available now.)
  • Rogue: CBD dominant, high yielding intermediate photoperiod variety for the CBD extraction markets. Brings exceptional yields under low planting densities. (Available now.)
  • Santiam: CBD dominant, early photoperiod variety with exceptional utility in northern latitudes for both the smokable and CBD extraction markets. Delivers step change yield potential. (Available now.)
  • Potomac: CBD dominant, full season photoperiod. Produces large plants and a heavy yield, best suited for biomass. (Available soon.)

For more information:
Arcadia Biosciences
Arcadia Biosciences
T: (530) 756-7077
F: (530) 756-7027
[email protected] 

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