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New development on haze control

There are not many developments in the glass business in the horticultural industry. However, Planti is one of the companies who keeps investing in the innovation. Their newest novelty includes the use of a new type of roller to print haze on glass, which makes the surface of the glass smoother, resulting in fewer droplets and ensuring optimal natural incoming light conditions in the greenhouse. “This is especially important during the winter, when light levels are lower and the glass is almost always wet,” says Michael Lee with Planti.

The Chinese horticultural glass producing company Planti faced all kinds of challenges like road blocks, package shortage and travel restrictions at the beginning of the year, then along comes the rise in price for shipping, and it’s not the end of the story, horticultural glass price in China doubles from growth in solar market since September, which made things worse still.

However, the team worked hard to deal with all these challenges and didn’t ever slow down. The company puts great emphasis on innovation and lead the continuous improvement project to enhance product quality and satisfy customers. They even found time for a new development on haze control, by working with an engineer in Chinese roller manufacture. Consequently, they switched to a new roller to “print” the haze on the surface of glass.

It took several months and 4 failures to finish the process. At this time, they has already spend more than 150,000 dollars on this innovation of roller, which they consider a must for their customers. And it resulted well: mass production has been achieved now. "Some of those glasses have already been installed for our Chinese projects and the customers are happy with them," Michael Lee with Planti says. 

He explains that one of the advantages of Planti's new roller is that it makes the surface of glass smoother than before, preventing droplets and ensuring maximum natural incoming light conditions in the greenhouse. 

The bottom part of the pattern of this new roller is arc-shaped. Without the sharp bottom on the old type roller, the glass will be even harder to break. "And the glass processed by the new roller has a better look. Both the growers and plants will be much happier under such a beautiful glass roof," Michael concludes. 

With Planti's core value being Plenty of Value, the company strives to create and deliver value added product for their customers worldwide. They have been collecting and feeling the pains of greenhouse builders and growers all the way. "All special needs or questions about the horticultural glass is welcome there, please feel free to reach out."

For more information:
Planti Inc.

[email protected]