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US (AZ): Indoor grower doubles cultivation capacity

Sonoran Flower, has expanded its cultivation facility to double its current capacity. "With the additional indoor space we are expected to increase our capacity for indoor craft flower," Sonoran Flower team explains. "This expansion also will give Sonoran Flower the space for light deprivation greenhouses."

"We have also secured two retail locations in preparation for expected Marijuana establishments in Arizona."

The passing of Cannabis for recreational use in Arizona with the passage of Arizona's Proposition 207 - the measure that legalizes recreational use of cannabis throughout the state. This passage of 207 along with the House voting to Decriminalize the use of Cannabis, goes hand in hand with President-elect's promise to decriminalize cannabis on a federal level. 

For more information:
Sonoran Flowers
520-303-HEMP (4367)
[email protected]  

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