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Belgian account manager takes on new challenge

In Belgium, Steven Adriaense has left Van Looveren to join De Ruiter Seeds. Last Friday was his last day at the Greenhouse producer. Steven will be De Ruiter's tomato account manager. 

"It was a difficult decision, and I have mixed feelings about it. Since I married into the family, Van Looveren wasn't a standard employer. When I joined them seven years ago, it wasn't with the intention of working elsewhere later," says Steven.

"I was an account manager. As such, I was always very involved in all the commercial decisions. I think Van Looveren is a perfect example of a family business with the right mentality."

"They get results by working hard, intensively, and quickly. They then achieve good cooperation with customers and suppliers. I got on well with everyone there, and I loved my job," Steven adds.

Steven Adriaense and Philippe Gers.


Steven says he's, however, always been fascinated by horticulture's technical aspects. "I'd visit growers. Then I always asked how the crop reacted to light and climate to achieve a perfect product. That's why I'm very excited about this opportunity. I'll be coming into contact with tomato growers, testing stations, and auctions every day."

Philippe Gers will fill Steven's position at Van Looveren. He's been working at the company for almost a year.

For more information:
Van Looveren
Email: [email protected]

Philippe Gers
Tel: +32 (0) 497 163 609 
Email: [email protected]

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