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LS: Final construction phase commenced for a more than 180,000 sq. ft.

ASIF420 is in the final stages of constructing one of the biggest (17,000 sqm) and most modern (powered by Israeli agro-tech innovation) cultivation centers in Lesotho: 'WeGROW Lesotho', which is fully built to comply with EU's good manufacturing practice standards (GMP), allowing the company to export medical grade cannabis flower, oil and extracts as an active pharmaceutical ingredient to European markets by the end of this year.

The medical cannabis market in Germany is estimated to be a $4B Euros market size (as of 2020) and WeGROW is uniquely positioned to capitalize by cultivating high quality strains at affordable prices for European patients as early as the end of 2021.

Located 1,600m above sea level in the mountain region just outside the capital Maseru, WeGROW currently employs over 100 people on its 17,000 sqm cultivation facility in a unique hybrid greenhouse environment, but it has plans to increase its workforce to over 500 by 2025.

Mr. Tal Arbeli, CEO of ASIF420 stated: "As an international licensed cultivator and exporting manufacturer of medical grade cannabis products, WeGROW has built a state-of-the-art medical cannabis factory that will provide hope to hundreds of thousands of patients around the globe. we have great confidence that due to its patient-oriented vision focused on high quality products in an affordable price 'WeGROW Lesotho' is on the path to become a leader in the emerging global medical cannabis industry"

For more information:
(+26) 2231 3916
[email protected]

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