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ZA: Grower completes first commercial export of MMJ to Europe

Felbridge has successfully exported South Africa’s first commercial shipment of Dry Cannabis Flower to Switzerland.

Leslie Zetler, Chief Executive Officer of Felbridge, commented “Exporting South Africa’s first commercial shipment of medical cannabis to Europe represents our most significant milestone to date. It is a major achievement not only for our Group but for the South African cannabis and hemp industry and it reinforces our belief that our genetics, which is developed using artificial intelligence breeding technologies, will continue to experience strong demand from the European market. We believe that we have taken a giant first step in answering the call of President Ramaphosa who in his 2020 State of the Nation address called for the development of the local industry in line with global trends.”

“Navigating the highly-regulated global cannabis market can be challenging for smaller producers and Felbridge is bridging this gap by providing licensed cultivators with genetically superior cannabis and hemp genetics in the form required – whether in seed, rooted clones, or in-vitro tissue, which meet the quality and regulatory demands of its customers. Our existing catalog of genetics has unique and predictable characteristics thereby maximizing production potential, whilst minimizing risk. Following this export, we are now convinced that the regulations, market, and logistics have been proven to function as planned and we will soon be approaching other licensed cultivators with offtake opportunities utilizing Felbridge genetics. Our special focus will be on emerging farmers with the requisite skills, licensing, and infrastructure to cultivate high-quality medical cannabis flowers for export to our existing customers as well as establishing new markets for our products. Offtake agreements not only enable license holders to solidify their business plans and obtain financing, but they also allow the industry to expand and flourish. There is great potential for South Africa to become a significant producer for the global market thereby generating significant export revenue for the economy. This leads to increased employment opportunities, skills development, and further investment into the sector.” added Mr. Zetler.

Felbridge has formed key relationships with international companies and local institutions which will provide a solid platform on which to grow. It is the licensed distributor for Swiss-based Puregene for the African market and distributes its genetics via seed, rooted clones, and tissue culture and has also signed a co-operation agreement with Perfect Plants, a leading biogenetics company based in the Netherlands, enabling it to expand its starter material offering by utilizing Perfect Plants’ extensive genetic library and distributing same through in-vitro tissue culture, seeds or rooted clones for on-sale into global markets. As a full member of the South African National Seed Organization (SANSOR), Felbridge plans to commence cannabis and hemp seed production in the fourth quarter of 2021.

“Felbridge continues to execute on its strategy and has now successfully completed exports of both dry flower and in-vitro tissue to Europe and also supplies local licensed cultivators with seed, rooted clones, and tissue culture. Our order book continues to grow which is testimony to the quality service and products we offer and this will no doubt provide a solid platform for future growth. Felbridge has proven to the market that we not only have offtake but that we have delivered upon it and will continue to do so as the company and industry develop. This would not have been made possible were it not for our dedicated team of employees who have worked tirelessly in ensuring that our quality products are brought to market in a safe and responsible manner meeting all regulatory requirements in the process.” added Mr. Zetler.

P.O Box 46, Lynedoch, 7603, Western Cape, South Africa
+27-21-881 3854
[email protected]  
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