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US (OK): Native American Cannabis Alliace creates large source of cannabis cultivation capacity

Native American Cannabis Alliance and Everscore have signed three memorandums of understanding with indigenous farmers from tribes including Mohawk Nation, and Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Nations.

This series of agreements will support the activation of over 500,000 acres of tribal farmland to cannabis farming with agricultural services, the development of manufacturing campuses to process cannabis grown on tribal farmland, workforce development, and access to off-take agreements by brands selling on the Everscore online marketplace.

“Our people come from a rich heritage of cultivation and the cannabis industry provides an historical opportunity for First Nations to work together to shape the future of the industry and provide sovereignty to our communities,” said Tim Houseberg, executive director, Native American Cannabis Alliance. “Through NACA, indigenous farmers will be known worldwide for their quality products by brands and consumers alike.”

By joining NACA, indigenous farmers will become part of a sustainable, competitive, and balanced ecosystem that benefits Native American communities, families, and future generations. Backed by Everscore’s cannabis marketplace and first-of-its-kind technology capabilities, NACA will leverage the resources and resourcefulness of Native Americans for all aspects of the industry, from cultivation and processing to logistics and marketing. With NACA on their side, indigenous people can further reclaim their legacy of nurturing the land, while making modern-day strides toward sustainable profit and the opportunities for equitable progress that come with it.

“The cannabis industry is experiencing explosive growth and is expected to be a $100 billion-dollar industry by 2030, but the opportunity is not shared equally,” said Jeffrey Sampson, CEO and Founder of Everscore. “We use modern technology to bridge the fragmented supply chain and create a more collaborative, sustainable ecosystem while benefitting indigenous communities. Brands selling on Everscore will now have a one-stop option for high-quality supply built on transparency.”

Nathan Hart, Secretary of Agriculture, Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, said, “The core of our agriculture operations is the health of our soils. We believe in a relationship where we take care of the soils, healthy soils produce healthy vegetation which produces healthy products for human consumption. We desire that our hemp program be involved in educating others from the producers, to the processors, to the end consumers. This system of reciprocity is a core value we greatly respect.”

“As many of our traditions, cultivation has been passed down from generation to generation,” said Roger Jock, representative of the Mohawk Bear Clan people. “NACA is operated in the spirit of the tribal alliances formed hundreds of years ago with the benefit of modern technology. We invite our fellow tribes to explore joining NACA to activate the next generation of indigenous farmers and secure sovereignty for all.”

For more information:
Native American Cannabis Alliance

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