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Unleash Organics introduces root inoculant to European Cannabis growers

Unleash Organics announced the European distribution of its Unleash Root Inoculant today. Described by growers as a "secret weapon" for cannabis cultivation, Unleash Root Inoculant contains a proprietary blend of beneficial plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The Root Inoculant owes its success with cannabis growers to its ability to work equally well in soil, soilless and hydroponic growing media resulting in healthy plants with high Cannabinoid (or THC) levels.

Developed by a team of scientists, Unleash Root Inoculant will offer European growers the same biotechnology that American growers have used to produce some of the strongest, healthiest plants for over a decade. The ability of Unleash to increase Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and micronutrients availability to plants and improve plant stress resistance has made it a favorite with growers in California and across the United States, the company announces.

"The European cannabis market is a huge opportunity for Unleash Organics. We have already partnered with some of the best distributors in the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, and the UK," says Nir Shafrir, Head of European Sales with Aquabella Organics. "The feedback from our partners has validated that we are entering the market at a great time. Growers in Europe are looking for all-natural products like Unleash Root Inoculant to increase their plant's yields and potentially their THC levels." 

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