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DE: AMP to become exclusive partner for Aphria products in Germany

AMP Alternative Medical Products has been appointed as the sole marketing partner for all Aphria branded products imported or cultivated in Germany.

In addition to the Aphria products carried by AMP available to doctors for patient prescriptions, Tilray, beginning in July this year, started cultivating and distributing to pharmacies Aphria medical cannabis flower grown in Germany on behalf of BfArM.

"Doctors are becoming increasingly familiar with the Aphria medical cannabis brand as it is the only German cultivated medical cannabis flower currently available for patients due to Tilray's commitment to supply Germany with the highest-quality domestically cultivated and imported medical cannabis products for German patients," said Dr. Stefan Feuerstein, President and Director of AMP.  "Tilray entrusted AMP as its sole marketing partner for the Aphria medical cannabis brand due to our commitment to training to develop a knowledgable sales team covering major cities but also the small towns and rural regions ensuring that all German patients have access to this medicine as it becomes more commonly prescribed by doctors."

For more information:
AMP German Cannabis Group
Charlottenstraße 59
10117 Berlin, Germany
[email protected]  
[email protected]  

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