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US (CA): "Our certifications are geared towards those with strict adherence to Best Practices and environmental awareness"

Envirocann is the first approved certifying agent in California to certify comparable-to-organic cannabis with the OCal program. The program will ensure that cannabis products bearing the OCal seal have been certified to consistent, uniform standards comparable to the National Organic Program. 

Envirocann’s certification scopes include Farm & Cultivation, Manufacturers, Material Input Review, Retail, Boutique Agriculture, and Skincare. "Our certifications are geared towards those with strict adherence to Best Practices and maintain a dedication to environmental awareness, use of approved input materials, and a commitment to corporate responsibility. The EnvirOganic level represents an additional adherence to organic production and principles. All certified farmers complete an Annual Site Inspection, as well as additional routine Sample Inspections for each crop cycle, to achieve and sustain the EnvirOganic Certification," the Envirocann team explains.

Ian Rice, CEO and co-founder: “It’s now up to the supply chain, distributors, and retailers to organize around our efforts, to recognize the brands which are OCal certified, and create access for consumers who want to purchase organic cannabis.”

Envirocann is now accepting applications for licensed California cannabis cultivators and distributors that are seeking OCal certification. Interested applicants may directly contact Envirocann to discuss their certification needs. 

For more information:
[email protected]

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